So Cofty by your answers to my questions, are you not saying that our modern understanding about the origin of life should be labeled" Science"? If so then can you understand the problem for many is that then, science has ripped apart societies past understandings and perceived reality of the " origin of life" and " God"?
I think this is why so many of your posts create such controversy, science wipes the floor with so many God arguments. Now I am not saying your answers are often to blant and direct, but I am saying if the universe and origin of life has been created by God, then in my opinion believers should come up with some different questions. This would lead to some constructive but less personal debates.
Only my opinion, but the jump from a beliver to agnostic, or athiest is a lot of change to a personality, and myself included not easy to address on an Internet forum. But I do feel it important to say the changing landscape in my worldview can only come by people speaking their truth. As for the O.P and the origin of life. I think on accuracy states I would agree the earth is over 3 billions years old, and was not created by God. Personally I also with my limited research believe direct evidence for the origin of life impossible.